Did you know? 

According to studies conducted by Google, 90% of websites have Google analytics tracking installed.

Out of this, only 30% of website owners/administrators login to their analytics dashboard. 

Of that 30%, most people don't even know what to look for, and what to optimize to maximize their goals!

With the use of data analytics, you'll be able to answer business questions such as:

  • What pages are bringing you most engagement, leads and therefore customers? 
  • If the average order has dropped, what is causing it and how to fix it QUICKLY?
  • What is your reputation online, how people know you and what they say about you?
  • Where should you put your advertising budget?
  • Where did you succeed and how to recreate that success?

We use the historical, external, internal and contextual lenses to track and analyze the business to maximize quality traffic, leads, conversions, product branding and therefore, profits. 

  • Historical: Present data in relation to past. 
  • External: What external causes may have affected your business (whether it be an increase or decrease in sales). 
  • Internal: Track strategic decisions that may cause an increase or decrease in the business. 
  • Contextual: Putting all the analysis under proper context.

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